I don't usually go to Marlow for activity groups. As I don't drive I find that the cost of the bus doesn't justify the expense and there is usually a lot of activities within walking distance in Wycombe so I rarely feel the need to venture further afield.
But today was different. I wasn't meeting any friends and hadn't made any plans so Lily and I jumped in the car with Daddy who dropped us off in Marlow on his way to work. We had a pleasant wander around the park and back streets (OK, I got a bit lost) and made it a tad early to the 'disco' which is held at the Sea Cadets Hut.
I was really impressed by the set up. Nothing too fancy or overwhelming, but for £5 per family (£2.50 for your first time) you were given unlimited tea and coffee, water, squash and biscuits and over an hour of fun for the toddlers including cartoons, bubbles, disco lights, nursery rhymes and disco dancing. Dave was friendly and approachable and had a real knack for making all the children feel included. Lily even won the game of musical statues, but I think that was more because she wasn't really doing much dancing!
There were a few other families there, but not as many as usual apparently, probably due to the hot weather and Mum's enjoying free activities at the park. That said, there were enough children there to make Lily a bit wary and she was apprehensive at first about joining in with the dancing. It did take her a while to get going, but really got into it towards the end. Dancing with me and particularly enjoying the 'Hokey Cokey' at the end.
There are two sessions on a Friday and we went to the first before popping into town and visiting the Slug and Lettuce where they hold a 'Mum and Baby Breakfast Club' every Friday morning. Lily had such a great time at both and I'll definitely be doing it again.
*I have not been asked by anyone to write this review and all opinions are my own*
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