For the uninitiated, Bing is a children's cartoon based on a series of books by Ted Dewan in which a preschool bunny experiences the world around him, under the guidance of a strange, soft-toy-crossed-with-a-saint creature called 'Flop'.
I've sat through endless repetitions of the brightly coloured children's cartoon. I'll be honest, I used to quite like it. Lily understands it and it has, in some circumstances, helped explain difficult concepts. I even quite like the 'rainy-bow' song. I know someone who managed to potty train their daughter after watching Bing and his gang go on the 'toilet train'.
He even featured on Lily's CBeebies birthday card (and it was shown on TV - #MumWin)
But over time, Bing has started to grate on my nerves.
He may not be anywhere near as annoying that stupid
Perhaps more surprising, is my growing irritation with Flop.
At first, I thought Flop was an example of a model parent. He is always patient. Always kind. Never shouts. Never hands the children over to a Mrs Flop and hides in the bathroom for 15 minutes with a smart phone and a glass of wine.
A few friends and I even had a running joke about 'channeling our inner Flop' and asking ourselves 'What would Flop do?' during a full on threenager tantrum.
And that's fine. As a parent, you take inspiration from just about anywhere sometimes.
But, whilst discussing this with my sister-in-law last weekend, I started to question whether Flop really is a saint. Or, if he isn't the very pinnacle of parenting that we should all aspire to, whether he is, in fact, the very worst kind of permissive parent currently breeding a generation of spoilt, entitled and rude little brats?
Maybe. But my case in point is the episode where Bing accidentally breaks Flop's phone after playing with it. He realises he has done wrong and decides to hide it in the bin. After a while, Flop realises his phone is missing and tries to find it. Then all is revealed, Flops response?
"It's no big thing, Bing"
Are you joking? That is a pretty big thing. You've told your child to be careful with your phone, they weren't and they broke it. Then they tried to cover it up.
Now I'm not the greatest disciplinarian, but that actually is a pretty big thing. I would expect there to be some form of punishment or discipline. Bing needs to know that he did something wrong!
I'm not advocating any form of shouting or violence here. But by passing it off as unimportant, Flop is missing the opportunity to teach Bing about consequences. Similarly, I get annoyed with the episode where Bing puts Sula's shoe down the loo. That is a big thing! Do something about it Flop!
Yes, I know it is just a kid's TV programme. But I am slightly peeved to discover that the Flop who I once thought was a fantastic parent, is actually some hippy-inspired anti-disciplinarian who is probably raising a psycopath (remember that time Bing killed the butterfly?).
Bloody Flop. Must be on valium. Or maybe he's just stoned.
"It's no big thing Bing. Now pass me that spliff"
We've not yet ventured onto Bing but totally with you on Mr Tumble and stupid Daddy Pig too. He's just useless. #effitfriday
I've clearly dodged a humdinger of a bullet because I know nothing of this Bing! However, I do know, on an almost intimate level, that fucking Mayor from Paw Patrol and her idiot chicken. Not a single scrap of educational benefit between the pair of them. Maybe Bing is better?! Thank you for linking to #effitfriday :-)
what even is flop? who even is flop? why is he looking after Bing?
why does pando always take his shorts off? why is this never questioned?
what is my life!?
Haha yes we've got a Bing fanatic in our house and it drives me nuts. At first I thought the same, wow how patient is this sock-like thing. And then later I saw an episode where Bing basically steals a lollipop and there were no consequences. "It's No Big Thing, Bing" Errrr yes it is Flop. We're all with you on this one! Thanks for linking up with #dreamteam
This really wouldn't surprise me! He should get together with Peter Rabbit's Mum and they can just sit at home in squalor whilst their criminal kids destroy property and steal things from decent folk... x
I would say you're lucky but Mr Tumble makes me feel ill... I'd take Bing over that any day of the week! x
I seriously hate her! I just want one of the pups to eat the bloody chicken...x
I gave up one those questions a long time ago! It's all very strange to me! x
Exactly! It is a big thing! Thanks for stopping by! xx
But it's a Bing thing... Bloody Bing. My 2yr old loves it. I agree Flop is far too laid back for my liking and left in his hands Bing will end up sacked from every job he ever has. Forgot to turn up to that presentation? No big thing. Err... No, sack. Missed deadline for submission. No big thing. Err... No, sacked again. Someone take Flop in hand!
I just found this post by googling "What Would Flop Do?" haha! I was wondering if anyone else had this manta! We love Bing in our house, BUT I totally get you with Flop and how he is sometimes too lax. What I love most about Bing though is figuring out who the bloody hell flop even is! xx
I just found this post by googling "What Would Flop Do?" haha! I was wondering if anyone else had this manta! We love Bing in our house, BUT I totally get you with Flop and how he is sometimes too lax. What I love most about Bing though is figuring out who the bloody hell flop even is! xx
Bloody Flop. Should be on the valium. Or maybe stoned
Bing It's no big thing. Now give me that gun
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