Party Planning - Ollie's Baptism

It's been exactly one year since Ollie's baptism and nautical themed party. I had a wonderful time both planning the party and enjoying the day with all my friends, family and church. I shared some of the little details in this post a while ago but here is an extra glimpse into our amazing family day.

I was keen to talk at Ollie's christening, I didn't quite know what I wanted to say but I felt like I wanted to explain just how much insight I've had into my own faith after becoming a Mum. It was all very emotional but sincerely heartfelt.

I made the cake myself and am pleased to report that it tasted much better than it looked!

Our professional photos were taken by lovely friend, Patrycja, at Painted with Light who also took the photos for Lily's Christening back in 2013.
Our Cherry Tree © . Design by Berenica Designs.