It's tricky. I want to work, love my job and am a big believer in the benefits of my children attending nursery. On the other hand, no one really wants to work for nothing and it is increasingly disheartening to find ourselves struggling each month to keep our heads above water. We've cut right back on days out and expensive activities, can't afford for the kids to attend any classes and are as thrifty as possible when it comes to our weekly shop.
With this worry hanging over me I have found it difficult to be positive in these last few weeks. Something a friend picked up on and helped out in a truly wonderful way on Thursday.
Their really kind act reminded me that I have so much to be grateful for, and that I should have more faith that everything will work out for the best.
I have no idea what that will be right now, we're yet to make a decision about me staying in work. But I know that when we do decide, it will be OK.
With that in mind, I've decided to concentrate on all the things I can be grateful for.
-My husband - bank holidays are an extra day with him home and every day he isn't at work is a better day.
-My children.
My Mum and sister. Always at the other end of the phone.
Friends. Every single one of them. Old ones, new ones, ones I haven't spoken to in a while.
A roof over my head.
Food in the cupboards.
A bank holiday Sunday where the sun is shining.
A church, a place of refuge.
A good book, and time to read it!
A garden with space for hanging clothes out to dry.
Netflix, and most specifically, the Good Wife which Matt and I watch every night. Because we are so cool. Ahem.
My faith, it gives me hope for the future.
My job, at least for now I have the choice and that's better than nothing.
This quote is one of my all time favorites. When things are difficult, I too find it helps to focus on what you are grateful for. You are in a tough position, best of luck with your big decision! Have you tried an old fashioned pro / con list to help you decide? Thanks so much for sharing with #candidcuddles x
It's just so true isn't it? Hard sometimes, but it's always easier to focus on the positives when the sun is shining. xx
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