It sounds so very cliched. But I can't quite take in how fast he is growing. His character is shining through more and more every day. His mischievousness, his sense of adventure, his desire to make people laugh.
He has also given me my first Ollie-induced heart attacks as he attempts to climb everything. The sofa, Lily's bed, the stairs, the dining room chairs. Everything seems to present a challenge to him that he must try to scale at any opportunity. He lingers by the bottom of the stairs in the hope that you'll forget to close the stairgate behind you, and if you do, then he scampers up with unnatural speed, laughing as he goes.
He enjoys his food and has even braved more exotic tastes, like garden pebbles and a snail... (I got there just in time with the snail and it survived the licking)
Congratulations to your little man for learning to walk. I also have a climber - it is terrifying! And my son once popped an entire snail fully into his mouth. Yuck. Managed to get it out before he crunched it luckily! :D
x Alice
what adorable photos!!! congrats on the walking and good luck with the climbing lol my threenager still likes to climb even now!! #candidcuddles x
Ah those little firsts are lovely - well done to Ollie on those first steps! Climbing is very challenging though - my youngest was a climber although thankfully doesn't do quite so much of it these days! Love the photo of Ollie having his hair cut and Lily's question about whether her hair will turn ginger if the hairdresser cuts it all. Thanks for linking up to #ftmob :-)
I think you're right, they might seem little in the grand scheme of things but in our life as parents they are massive. I think it's great to write it all down and remember - although thankfully, as yet, I haven't had to rescue any snails. #ftmob
This is so sweet! Congrats on the first steps & haircut Ollie - next thing it will be running & climbing up things. lol Love the quote, we should cherish all of the little things. Thanks for sharing with #candidcuddles x
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