My Sunday Photo

We've been out gardening every weekend at the moment and it turns out that we have tons of slimy, creepy, crawly things. The kids are fascinated. So am I, but in an almost-horrified-trying-not-to-show-it kind of way. Like this slow worms. Like spiders. And like this snail, which we watched do a poop. Nice.

BavarianSojourn said...

He is beautiful though, and slow worms too - lucky things! :)

Anonymous said...

How pretty is it's shell...beautiful capture

Thank you for linking up

Debbie said...

Hi Stephanie, we used to call these snails humbugs, due to their resemblance to the sweets. A very nice photo of a snail doing what snails do.


Coombe Mill - Fiona said...

Wow, what amazing detail, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

Kim Carberry said...

What a wonderful photo! You have captured so much detail!

Nicole said...

Mesmerizing spiral. The Nature is really creative and you are talented to show this creativity.

sherry from sherrys pickings said...

s/he is such a pretty snail. i think they are such marvellous creatures. great shot.

Anonymous said...

He looks so amazing! I always love the snails' swirl on their shell =) #mysundayphoto

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