I do enjoy it and I do often feel twinges of envy. I'm not jealous of the homeowners - although one day I'd love to buy a home and fill it with beautiful things. I'm realistic and buying is out of reach just now.
No, I'm jealous of how clean those houses are. Pristine. Tidy.
None of the clutter, toys and debris that fill my home.
I've always been house proud. I love the smell of cleaning products and polish, the fun of whacking on some music and dancing around with a vacuum cleaner. I'm happiest when my home is clutter free.
There is a wonderful satisfaction in surveying a clean and tidy home.
It's just it only stays like that for five minutes. Certainly never long enough for me to take a decent photo and share my (somewhat limited) home design skills on Instagram.
So here is a quick glimpse into the bits of my home that I love the most. It's certainly not perfect but it's temporarily clean enough for me to not get palpitations when I think about sharing it with you.
This kid's rooms are my favourite places to be, but I also quite like how cosy our sitting room is and the openness of our kitchen-diner.
And because I am a human, with two small children and a housework-dodging hubby, here is a pic of my washing pile...
Just kidding. I'm way to embarrassed to share that horror with anybody.
We're currently working on our master bedroom at the moment, I look forward to sharing some photos with you when it is done. If you're interested in what our house looked like before we moved in then take a look at my plans and inspiration for the living room, kitchen and bedroom.
You have a lovely home, and its very refreshing to see real photos :-) I too enjoy spotting gorgeous interior photos and dreaming up what we could do. I love stuff way too much to ever have a pristine and clutter free home though. Your quote is very fitting #Candidcuddles
What a lovely house. So jealous of your clean white kitchen. #fartglitter
Your home looks gorgeous - love seeing all the little details. I've always been nosey when it comes to other people's houses. I call it - looking for inspiration! #FartGlitter
Looks lovely. I think everyone enjoys a nose. I also suspect most people, at least those with kids are shooting from flattering angles with lots of just and mess just out of shot....or is that just me?
Lol my house is also filled with love & endless laundry!! Your house is gorgeous & so nicely decorated. I love looking at interiors in Instagram & Pinterest too! My house also only stays tidy for a short while. But the love & fun of the family is what counts the most. Thanks so much for your ongoing support of #candidcuddles x
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