On the surface, and in principle, I love it. The inspiration, the sharing of ideas, the ability to create mood boards and curate collections. All fab.
But. There are other times when it leaves me feeling disappointed. Inadequate. Lied to.
Because a lot of those pins claiming to be 'easy' or 'toddler friendly' or 'quick' just aren't any of those things. At least not for me.
Exhibit A - 'One Pot' Meals
My gripe with these is that they lead you to think that you cut down on time spent on both preparation and cleaning. Win win right?
I don't think it is fair to call something 'one pot' if you have to keep cooking ingredients and then temporarily 'placing them to one side'. It's probably fairer to claim that these meals are 'One Big Pot But Many Small Bowls and Plates Meals'. I can't see that catching on...
Exhibit B - 'Easy' Pins
Whether it is miniature works of art apparently created by a two-year old, lovingly made gifts or customised clothing, it took me ages to realise that just because something is easy for one person, it won't necessarily be easy for me. I have a cupboard upstairs full of projects that were nowhere near as 'easy' as the pin claimed. I then end up feeling disheartened and end up questioning why my work, or the work of my children, isn't as good as these amazing pins.
But my biggest gripe is the children's work that has obviously been created by an adult. You just can't claim that 'a toddler can do it' if by that you mean you had to hold their hand, guide it, replace their stickers and forcibly restrain them from smearing the paint everywhere in one big mess.
It's misleading. Some people may even say it's lying.
Exhibit C - 'No Mess' Activities
OK, I should never have been caught out by this one. Everyone should realise that a baby activity claiming to be 'no mess' is a joke.
It just so happens that when it involves paint and a zip-lock bag, the joke is on me.
If I were to make a resolution this year, it would be to take everything I see on Pinterest with a pinch of salt. It shouldn't be hard, I'm already wary of the 'insta-sham' and I know how easy it is to just chuck all the rubbish out of the room before you take an amazing shot of your super-clean house. It's just that when I look at my messy home, I often end up comparing it and wondering where I go wrong.
I need to learn that not producing pin-worthy projects and meals does not make me a failure, or any less of a great Mum. That my kids don't care what the finished article should look like on a computer screen, they're having more fun using their elbows to turn their artwork into something that looks more like
So, for all those Mums like me who are scrolling through Pinterest whilst feeding the baby in the dead of night, inspired by wonderful looking projects and ultimately disappointed by our real-life efforts... Give yourself a break. Because for every Mum who looks amazing on Pinterest there are thousands just like you. Amazing in real life.
Very similar to my post about Pinterest, although mine was more about feeling inadequate as a mum, rather than inadequate about projects. Totally understand where you're coming from though!! You feel like you should be creating some sort of sensory experience whilst simultaneously producing nourishing meals presented in mason jars all the time, ha!! Found your post via #fartglitter, looking forward to reading more :)
Typically, since writing this post I have noticed loads of others, will stop by to read yours :) you've hit the nail on the head, too much pinterest browsing leaves you feeling inadequate for not doing it all.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.xx
Haha - I'm now feeling quite glad that I really haven't got to grips with pinterest! I so agree about 'one pot' stuff. I do not enjoy cooking any way, and there is little that bugs me more in a recipe than 'remove from pan/pot and place to one side'. Particularly, as I will often miss the instruction to return said item to pan until 20min after I should have!
As for art, I wrote a post before Christmas about how to make Christmas cards with toddlers, but it was a realistic one, culminating in buy them - perhaps I should have pinned that along with pictures of my little ones', erm, 'art' just to make everyone on pinterest feel better! #fartglitter
It is brilliant for getting ideas, but you do need to keep some perspective! I'm going to take a look at your Christmas cards post - we made ours but then I forgot to post some of them... #parentingfail
Haha I haven't got into Pinterest yet. I like the idea but reasons exactly like you have listed make me put it in the too hard basket. Kat x #twinklytuesday
It is so addictive, especially at first! Good in moderation though.xx
Love this post. I love Pinterest and have found after trying quite a few of their pins out for myself to be fails! Big fat fails! lol! Thanks for linking up with #MMWBH!
Haha, I hear you. I'm a lazy pinterest user. I get sucked in and spend ages ooohing and ahhhing but never really actually make anything. I'm sure if I did it would be featured on one of those 'Nailed it' memes.
Thanks for linking up to #fartglitter x
Haha! I do love those memes, I'm sure I could contribute to them myself! Thanks for stopping by :) x
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