What I learnt... from doing a Nearly New Sale

Having started the month in a pretty rubbish financial position, I've been working on ways to save money. We're cutting back on our spending, making our meals go further and on Saturday I tried my hand at making money.

I've sold unwanted stuff at boot sales before but was surprised at how different it is selling at a Baby and Children's Market nearly new sale. The clientele at the event on Saturday were far more discerning and there were a number of businesses like Usborne books and Water Babies attending.

Unlike a boot sale, you didn't have to be there and setting up at the crack of dawn. The market opened it's doors to sellers at 9:00 and let buyers in from 10:00 until 12:00. With only an hour to set up, you need to be organised and have an idea of how you want to lay out your stall.

I picked a 4ft table for £10. This also included space at the side of my 'pitch' for a clothes rail and larger items. I don't have a clothes rail and so set up clothes on the table but I did worry that it wasn't showing off my wares in the best way. Instead, I used the space at the side of my stall for selling Ollie's playmat, a Mothercare bouncer and some toys. As the sale progressed and I sold some items I did move bits around to keep it looking tidy.

The best bit (other than making a profit) was that the sale was inside and so it was much better than freezing your bits off in a field. It was still a little cold in the hall but it was much better than outside (where it was snowing).

In the end, I made just over £35. I was a bit disappointed, but hey, a £25 profit is better than nothing! I would definitely do it again, and with this experience under my belt have the following lessons learnt for next time:

It pays to be organised
I used some sticker labels to put the size and price on each item of clothing and it was great both for setting up, and helping people find the sizes they were looking for. The only items I didn't price up were sleepsuits and vests/bodysuits as I made a sign advertising them at a £1 per sleepsuit and 50p per vest. I thought that these would be my best sellers but I think people were actually put off by not seeing the sizes - I'll be rectifying that next time!

Do clear out toys to sell
From what I could see, toys were the biggest sellers on the day. I didn't have much to sell but will be having a clear out next time.

Using a clothes rack does make your stall look more professional
I was actually quite envious of the stalls with a clothes rail...

People will not buy dirty clothes
I had a quick look round at other stalls and was surprised that some were selling tatty and stained items of clothing. I know I wouldn't buy anything dirty but thought maybe it was just me. Nope. Those tatty bits were still left at the end.

You make the most money in the first half hour
It was really busy for the first 45 minutes or so, there was even a small queue at the doors before 10:00 but it got quieter and quieter, until people started packing up about 11:45.

Do talk to people
I found myself asking "Is there anything you're looking for?" when people stopped to look. It meant that I was able to point out bits that might be of interest and also let them know about how cheap the sleepsuits etc. were. I also made sure that the toys I was selling had their batteries in so I could demonstrate how they worked.

Don't spend it all at once
I did. After earning that money, knowing that we didn't have any to splash out on Mother's Day, Matt and I decided to head to the pub with the kids for a nice lunch!

I'm now looking for another sale. After all, I've done all the prep with washing and labelling stuff, I have come to the conclusion that it wouldn't do any harm to try and shift the rest!

Have you ever sold at a nearly new sale? Do you have any tips? Let me know in the comments!

Monkey and Mouse
Sarah - Craft Invaders said...

I've been thinking about doing a car boot to try and cull some of the kids stuff - I think your stall looks fab, and really organised!

Unknown said...

Some great tips here! I haven't sold at one but I have bought at one. I might try it out :) #HowToSunday

Our Cherry Tree said...

I'm doing a boot sale next weekend! The Nearly New Sale was good for selling more pricey bits, I find that I lower my prices at a bootsale. x

Our Cherry Tree said...

Do give it a go, let me know how you get on! x

Jenny - Monkey and Mouse said...

Well done for being so organised and selling your things. A profit is still a profit, no matter how much it is! I really need to sort out the boys stuff. Thanks so much for linking up to #HowtoSunday :) x

Our Cherry Tree said...

My thoughts exactly! I wouldn't have had that money any other way.x

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