By shopping in Poundworld, Poundland and The Works and using bits I already had at home I've been able to add a little decor and a couple of afternoons crafting for about £7.
Our last purchase was this hat from Poundworld, they had a few colours to choose from and a number of different stickers and objects to stick on them. I didn't buy any extras as I knew I already had enough
I grabbed some pastel coloured cupcake wrappers from the cupboard, some brightly coloured buttons, ribbon, washi tape and stickers. Then Lily and I got to work. Making a variety of different flowers.
When we had enough (just in time for Lily to start getting fed up) we used double-sided sticky tape to attach the flowers around the bonnet.
So if you have a poundshop nearby, it's definitely worth taking a quick look at their Easter section. If you create anything lovely, pop back and let me know as I'd love to take a look.
I love the idea of using cake cases. It looks great.
Oh wow, I absolutely love that. Such a simple idea, but looks fab!
Thanks for sharing with #LetKidsbeKids
What a genius idea to use the cup cake cases!!!!
Thank you! Surprisingly, I didn't get this idea off Pinterest but from a toddler group I go to.x
Thank you! x
I wish I could take all the credit! A toddler group I go to used the same method for creating Mother's Day cards and I just nicked the idea.x
Your Easter bonnet looks so pretty! You can get some great crafty finds in poundland and some of the other budget shops. We made bonnets at the weekend too and mostly used stuff that we had already. #letkidsbekids
What a pretty bonnet! We love pound land and pound much cheaper than HobbyCraft!
I love pound land and the works for craft stuff. Love the Easter bonnet
Such a good idea to use cake cases - so effective! Lovely bonnet :) #LetKidsBeKids
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