Christmas 2018... The one where things did go well

After concentrating on the things that went wrong in my last post, I wanted to re-cap the wonderful things about this Christmas.

Despite beating myself up for not being the ideal wife, mother and hostess of my dreams, I did enjoy much of Christmas and advent this year and, as always, I wish to record the best bits both for me and the kids to look back on one day.

Each Christmas contains the same elements - trees, presents, food, fun but I don't want to lose sight of the unique events and activities that will always make this particular Christmas different to othersDecember has been an incredibly busy month and there has been a lot to record!

- Ollie being 'Star of the Day' at nursery for his enthusiastic participation in Christmas songs and practising the show.

- The crazy craft afternoon we visited with friends. We went to two different venues and came home loaded with biscuits, floral arrangements, personalised crockery and more. It was exhausting but so much fun.

- Our Elf School visit this year - we were fans of booking in advance to miss the huge queues. We were first in line for Santa, having to wake him up from a little snooze!

- Lily writing her very own notes to Santa. In addition to her usual letter, she also sent a few notes up the chimney asking him how he manages to get round to all the children and telling him that her Christmas wish was for everyone to be happy.

- Visiting the Oxford Christmas Market. It was fun and festive and Lily was incredibly excited when Santa wandered along and patted her a head, wishing us all a very merry Christmas.

- Lily being nominated for 'Learning Champion' at school and attending the special assembly. Both kids then came home from school with great reports and Lily received a gold 'Smart Award'. I was so proud of them both we displayed their certificates on the windowsill in place of Christmas decorations.

- Ollie's first Christmas show at nursery. He was a 'reindeer' and danced to the 'Reindeer cokey' (a bit like the Hokey Cokey except you put your antlers in...)

- Having a kids Christmas party with our friends from school and exchanging gifts on the last day of term.

- Taking friends with us to see the Shepherd's Christmas Lights.

- The Christingle at church.

- My Mum and Louise joining us for Christmas Day.

- Lily waking up at 1:30 am bursting with excitement.

- The kid's delighted faces when receiving their gifts.

- Ollie riding his new bike from Santa and Lily having a go on hers without stabilisers!

- Playing the 90's quiz game whilst serving up Christmas Dinner which made it all a lot more fun.

- Lily wanting to dress in the same clothes as her new doll, April.

- Jessica and Lily performing the 'show' on Boxing Day.

- The pavlova wreath I made for Boxing Day.

- Having unexpected catch ups with good friends.

What memories do you want to keep from this Christmas?

I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into ours and look forward to writing more in the New Year!

Our Cherry Tree © . Design by Berenica Designs.