What we read... in November

We've had a few slight changed to our bedtime routine this month. Now that Ollie doesn't need to be fed or cuddled to sleep we have a bit more time for stories and so we've been reading loads! Ollie's preference is still for books about trains, cars and trucks but a few old favourites have cropped up once again.

I'm a huge fan of all things Julia Donaldson so we always have a few of those on the go but it's been nice to read 'My Dad' again after it was lost amongst some toys in the living room. I also suspect that I'm a bigger fan of Belle and Boo than Lily is, the stories are just so sweet!

Our chapter book right now is "The Magic Faraway Tree" by Enid Blyton. A friend has kindly lent us the whole series of books after we enjoyed reading 'The Enchanted Wood" which means we're set up for a couple of months of night and bus time reading!

It's been nice to refresh our book choice with our Christmas Book Box. Despite having hundreds of baby and children's books (literally) I do find the kid's faves can be a bit repetitive sometimes. I often shuffle our book storage around - we have some in Lily's room, some in Ollie's and a rather messy selection down in the living room. Even so, the children will dig our their current favourite and keep bringing it to me to read - often a few times a day.

But the best thing with our Christmas box (which has now been upgraded to hamper) is that it only comes out once a year and there are so many amazing choices in there that there's no time to get bored of reading them before they're put away again.

I'll update you all about our new Christmas Book Hamper and some new additions in a few days time so keep an eye out for that!

And me? I read 'The Lone City' series in less than a week. It completely ate up my book-buying budget for the month and so I've been re-reading some old friends since then. It's a really good series with a few extra twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Each book ends on a cliff-hanger and so I'm glad I had all of them on hand in the Kindle store! I do seem to have a thing for dystopic tales at the moment but feel I need to branch out a bit more or perhaps go back to some epic high fantasy. What do you think?
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