Dear Lily

The last year or so has been huge for you. Not only have you faced all the usual challenges of being a two and three year old, like toilet training and giving up your dummy at night, but you have also transitioned from only child into big sister. Or, as we like to say, the best big sister in the whole world.

I felt bad when I was pregnant with Ollie, I was so ill with Hyperemesis Gravidarum that I most days I could hardly function. I was sick eight or more times a day, was dehydrated and exhausted. There were times when I wondered if I was letting you down.

But you were just wonderful. When I was throwing up you would rub my back, telling me "it's OK Mummy, you'll be better soon", if I said I was feeling sick you would get me the bowl and try and kiss me better. I loved nap times. You were sleeping for three hours a day and we would snuggle up and sleep together.

You were resilient and quickly got used to being taken to nursery by Daddy when I was ill at home, or being picked up by friends when I was in the hospital. When Marina came to pick you up, the nursery staff told you that you were going to "Mummy's friend's house" but you corrected them, informing them matter-of-factly that Marina was your friend.

You were sweet. I loved the way you would kiss and cuddle my bump. In the evenings it was your job to help me rub oil and moisturising cream onto my bump. You used to take it so seriously.

And then Ollie was born and I can still remember how excited I was to introduce him to you. I loved how proud you were of him, how keen you were to help with everything. Cuddling, changing, bathing. You even got upset when you realised that only I could feed him.

I've been amazed, and proud, at how quickly you have welcomed your little brother into our family. Having heard stories of children asking whether they could give their sibling back to the hospital, I was worried that once the novelty wore off, you wouldn't want a brother. I shouldn't have worried really.

You have grown so much over the last year. All the last vestiges of babyhood have disappeared and you have blossomed into a fun-loving and cheeky little girl. It's now really hard to get you to smile for photos - you insist on pulling funny faces. You like to run everywhere, and have a rather odd habit of trying to roll up your leggings of jeans and pulling up your socks so you can "go racing".

Like so many other toddlers, you come out with the most hilarious sayings and social faux pas. Just the other day you announced to a bus full of people "Eugh! Someone smells!" I was so embarrassed but it makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Your favourite colours are currently pink and purple, despite my best efforts. Your favourite TV programme is still Topsy and Tim, but you also like watching Ben and Holly. You've always loved to read, and your preference at the moment is for bible stories. You have an opinion on everything.

It came as a shock last week when you moved up into the oldest room at nursery. You're now a 'Cygnet' on the days you attend whilst I am at work. We drop Ollie off into the baby room and it feels strange for me to then walk you down to biggest room. It doesn't feel long since I was dropping you off into the baby room and yet now you are learning to write your own name and taking part in the nursery Christmas play. Where has the time gone?

I've said before that Ollie's arrival has made our family complete, but that wouldn't be the case if it wasn't for how amazing you are as a daughter and a big sister. Even when we're facing one of your horrendous tantrums, you still bring such life and love to our home. You teach me every day about the meaning of true, unconditional love. I am so very proud of you my darling.

Thank you

thumbnailsize Mummascribbles
Unknown said...

What a gorgeous post! I love a good letter, and this one is so heartfelt. What a lovely big sister and family #justanotherlinky

Crummy Mummy said...

Lovely post and lovely pictures! #justanotherlinky

Island Living 365 said...

Awwww what a lovely post! And how lovely that your daughter has become such a wonderful big sister :-) #twinklytuesday

Coombe Mill - Fiona said...

ah you've hit the pink and purple phase, I'm afraid it lasts a while! #TwinklyTuesday

Something Crunchy Mummy said...

Lovely letter and what gorgeous photos. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

Our Cherry Tree said...

Thank you! I often feel like a bit of a wally when I write things to the kids, but this one just felt right.x

Our Cherry Tree said...

Thank you! x

Our Cherry Tree said...

Thank you! I'm very proud of her and how well she has managed all the changes this last year.x

Our Cherry Tree said...

I suppose it was only a matter of time, I just need to get my head round it! x

Our Cherry Tree said...

Thank you! x

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